Aws Wordpress

  1. Aws Wordpress Ami
  2. Aws Wordpress Ssh
  3. Aws Wordpress Site

The simplified architecture above describes a common architecture for WordPress, with static content stored in AWS S3, and WordPress running on EC2, Lightsail or another hosting facility. WordPress defaults to storing everything locally on the web server.

  • Overview WordPress is a highly popular content management system (CMS) that is used for over 30% of all sites on the internet. It is most commonly used for blogs but can also be used for running e-commerce sites, message boards, and many other popular use cases. What You Will Learn.
  • Taking WordPress Site Live on AWS – Cloudways Nearly half of the active websites on the internet use WordPress to power their websites, and for a good reason. To begin with, it’s open-source, which basically means you can use it for free.

Interested in hosting WordPress on AWS?

In this tutorial you will learn how to install WordPress on Amazon’s AWS Cloud Platform using the Bitnami version of WordPress on AWS.

Hosting WordPress on Amazon’s massive cloud network allows you to take your WordPress website to the next level.

Although hosting WordPress on AWS offers amazing performance, it can be challenging. If you’re a new to the development world, you may be interested in managed shared hosting or managed cloud hosting.

To get started, create a free AWS account and follow along with the video above. If you get stuck, check below to see the steps listed individually with their commands.

There are 8 steps in this tutorial:

Aws Wordpress Ami

  • 1. Launch a WordPress Instance
  • 2. Choose Instance Type
  • 3. Configure Instance Details
  • 4. Review Instance Details
  • 5. Generate SSH Key
  • 6. Obtain WordPress Credentials
  • 7. Copy External IP Address
  • 8. Login to WordPress
Aws wordpress ssl

You’ve successfully launched a WordPress application in a virtual machine instance on AWS!

Now that your WordPress application is successfully configured, you can look into more advanced functionality such as setting up a domain name and SSL encryption.

If you have any questions or comments about this tutorial, please be sure to post them below!


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Each AWS WordPress hosting package comes with a professionally managed virtual private cloud, automated server backups, and automated server patching, and optional AWS Simple Email Service configuration. We also include free SSL certificates for all customers (via Lets Encrypt), as well as URL and server monitoring!

Combine all of the above with our stellar customer service and technical assistance and you have a recipe for success!

Fully Featured

We install fully featured WordPress copies on your instances for you.

You will never have to pay extra to unlock the use of plugins, themes, or any other standard WordPress functionality.

Your Own Cloud!

Looking to get your WordPress site into the cloud and onto your own servers without breaking the bank?

We build and manage professional quality virtual private clouds and powerful web servers with dedicated resources in your AWS account for you.

Money Saver

We designed this service specifically to help individuals and small businesses begin leveraging the cloud.

This is professional grade WordPress cloud hosting without a massive bill attached.

Want to learn more about our AWS WordPress hosting? Reach out today to schedule a free consultation! Free Consultation

Premium Features At No Additional Cost

Most standard WordPress hosts don't offer these features at all, but with us they come standard!

Fast Server Configuration

We setup Apache on an Ubuntu Server with PHP 7.4, the latest version officially supported by WordPress.

We also optimize your server by enabling the event MPM paired with PHP7.4-FPM for incredible performance!

Redis Memory Caching

Optionally, we can deploy Redis to your EC2 instance which enables in-memory caching for massive performance gains.

This requires a free Redis compatible caching plugin which can be easily installed via the add plugins page.

Aws Wordpress Ssh


Free SSL Certificate

We can generate free SSL certificates for your domains using Lets Encrypt, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars per year on SSL costs!

Never waste your hard earned money on SSL certificates again!

Web Application Firewall

Optionally, we can install and configure mod security on your server to serve as a free WAF to help keep your WordPress sites safe!

This doesn't require any additional WordPress plugins, simply say the word and rest assured.

Load Balanced WordPress Available!

We also offer a highly robust, scalable, and load-balanced WordPress solution! Contact us for more information if interested!

AWS WordPress hosting that individuals and small businesses can afford!

Worried about AWS costs? No problem we can work with you to help ensure your AWS bill stays within your budget!

Aws Wordpress Site


Up to 3x WordPress sites

1x Managed instance included

Dedicated Resources

Professional Monitoring


Up to 5x WordPress sites

2x Managed instances included

Dedicated Resources

Professional Monitoring


Up to 10x WordPress sites

3x Managed instances included

Dedicated Resources

Professional Monitoring

Ready to get started with us?

Get the performance your site demands and switch to the cloud today!

Management fees listed above do not include any AWS resource costs, including but not limited to AWS EC2. Client maintains full responsibility for any and all AWS related expenses.