DataVault Password Manager

Ascendo DataVault is a comprehensive password manager which includes unique features such as advanced security settings, list and folder views, automatic backup, synchronization with mobile. DataVault Password Manager includes a unique set of features such as Fingerprint Authentication, automatic backups and advanced security options to protect your most precious information. DataVault Password Manager includes a unique set of features such as Fingerprint Authentication, automatic backups and advanced security options to protect your most precious information. Password Manager Data Vault is an excellent and safe app for children, and it can be beneficial for parents teaching the importance of online safety and protecting personal information. For those choosing a more accessible format than a notebook listing all of this information, that can potentially end up in the wrong hands, the Password Manager Data Vault is an excellent choice.

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  5. Datavault Password Manager Review
Ascendo DataVault - BlackBerry Password Manager, Version 4, User Guide

Chapter 7.0 - Other Features

You can Add, Edit or Delete Categories and Types. On your BlackBerry, choose 'View/Manage Categories' or 'View/Manage Types' from the screen menu. On your Desktop you can use the top row buttons or right-click on a branch and choose from the context menu.

When you delete a Category or Type in DataVault Desktop, you will have two options, see Figure 29.

Figure 29

The default option, 'Delete all items' will delete the items contained in the Category or Type permanently. You can also choose to Move the items to the Unfiled Category/Type.

You can use drag & drop to move a Type from one Category to another.

Datavault Password Manager Review

When you start DataVault for the first time, you will see sample Categories and Types including 'Unfiled'. Categories and Types default to Unfiled when adding an Item. The Unfiled Category and Type cannot be deleted.

7.2 Filtering Items

You can filter the Items displayed on the List View screen. On both your BlackBerry and your Desktop you will see drop down lists for Category and Type. If you select a choice from these lists the Items that are displayed will be reduced.

To select a Category or Type on your BlackBerry, use the track wheel/ball to move to the current value for the field to highlight it. Click on the space bar to cycle through the choices or click on the track wheel/ball again and select 'Change Option'.

To select a Category or Type on your Desktop, click on the down arrow next to the field value. A drop down list will appear from which you can make a selection.

DataVault contains 20 pre-defined Templates, see Figure 30. You can add, edit or delete Templates on you BlackBerry and your Desktop. Any modifications can be synchronized between your BlackBerry and your Desktop. Is optimizer pro safe.

Ascendo Datavault

Figure 30

DataVault Password Manager

To manage Templates on your BlackBerry, select 'View/Manage Templates' from the List View or Tree View screen menu.

To manage Templates on your Desktop, click on the Templates from the row of buttons at the top of the screen.

If you select the Password Generator option from the BlackBerry Edit Screen menu, DataVault will automatically generate a random password based on your presets, see Figure 31.

Figure 31

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If you choose Copy & Close, the password will be copied to the clipboard and you will return to the Item Edit Screen. Click on the track wheel again and select Paste to enter the password into the current field.

By default, the Password Generator will create passwords containing 8 letters. You can click on the check boxes to modify the length of the password or to include numbers and punctuation marks.

DataVault Password Manager

Click on the Regenerate menu option to create a new password.

The DataVault Desktop tool bar includes a button to Generate Passwords. When you click on the button a dialog window will appear with a randomly generated password and several options, see Figure 32.

Figure 32

You can choose the length of passwords and whether to include Numbers or Punctuation marks. If you change an option, click on the Regenerate button to create a new password. If you click on the Copy & Close button, the password will be copied to the Windows clipboard and is available to paste into any Windows application.

Ascendo DataVault Desktop can import data from numerous sources including:

  • Third party password managers such as Cryptmagic, SplashID**, Illium eWallet, Code Wallet, Flex Wallet, Handy Safe, Spb Wallet, Turbo Passwords, Minisafe, Password Plus, etc.

  • Comma Separated Values (*.CSV) files. Several third party password managers and productivity applications like Excel can export data in this format.

  • RoboForm Passcards.

  • Saved Passwords from Internet Explorer and Firefox.

  • DataVault Exchange files (*.DVX).

  • BlackBerry Contacts.

  • BlackBerry Notes.

Warcraft iii the frozen throne download full game free. ** When importing from a SplashID vID file, you must first export the file from SplashID using a blank password.

To import data into the DataVault Desktop, select 'Tools' from the top row menu options, then 'Import' to display a list of third party password managers and a submenu for CSV options. If you select one of the third party password managers, DataVault will prompt you to 'Browse..' to the appropriate directory and select a file with the file extension used by that application. If you select Tools > Import > CSV > Custom, DataVault will prompt to select a CSV file then display the field mapping window in figure 33.

Datavault Password Manager

CSV files are text files with commas separating fields and line breaks separating records. They can be viewed with text editors like Notepad and imported or exported with productivity tools like Microsoft Excel.

Not all third party applications store fields in the same order. Some third party applications may include field names (labels) such as 'Username:', 'Password:', etc. in the exported file. Other may include only the field values (contents). DataVault allows you to map fields in a CSV file to the order in which they are stored in DataVault, see figure 33.


For example, a CSV file might contain a line of column headers and several items in rows, see below. Mahabharat star plus episode 241.

    Item, Category, Type, Label1, Value1, Label2, Value2
    Citi Bank Visa, Personal, Credit Card, Number, 1111 2222 3333 4444, PIN, 2345

    Wells Fargo MasterCard, Business, Credit Card, Number, 5555 6666 7777 8888, PIN, 0293

To import this file, you would make selections from the drop-down lists as displayed in figure 33 and set the 'Skip first lines' parameter to 1. To download the CSV file used in this example, click here. If you assign fields incorrectly, you can delete all of the imported items by selecting Tree View and deleting the Category or Type to which the imported items have been assigned.

A more detailed example of Custom Importing can be found in the Addendum.

Figure 33

To import from RoboForm, save your RoboForm items in an .HTM file using the 'Print' menu and then import the file into DataVault using Tools > Import > RoboForm menu.

Datavault Password Manager Not Updating

Ascendo DataVault for BlackBerry can import items from BlackBerry Notes and from BlackBerry Contacts.


To import an item from a BlackBerry Note, select Import BlackBerry Memo from the List/Tree View screen menu. You will be prompted to select the Category and Type in which to store the item. DataVault will display the first BlackBerry note and give you options to Import & Delete, Skip or Exit back to DataVault.

Datavault Password Manager Review

To import a BlackBerry contact, open the BlackBerry Address Book, lookup a contact and select View from the screen menu. Then click on the track ball/wheel to display the screen menu and select Copy to DataVault.

The DataVault Desktop can export items in Comma Separated Values files (*.CSV) or in DataVault Exchange files (*.DVX). CSV files are is a standard format used to exchange files between productivity applications like Excel. DataVault Exchange files are password protected, encrypted files that can be used to share items with other DataVault users.

When you choose Export from the DataVault Tools menu, a window dialogue box will appear asking if you want to export All Items, Current Item or Selected Items. Selecting All Items will export the entire DataVault database. Selecting Current Item will export the highlighted row in List View. To export Selected Items, you must first choose a subset of items by holding down the Control Key (CTRL) and clicking on several items.

DataVault for BlackBerry only allows exporting items via email in DataVault Exchange Format. You can only send one item at a time.

DataVault for Windows allow you to print one, some or all of the items in your database.
To print one item, go to list or tree view, click on the item to highlight, control-click to display the context menu, then select Print Item.
To select several items for printing, hold down CTRL-ALT and select several items. Then right-click on any of the selected items and select Print Items from the context menu.
To print all items, select File > Print from the text menu. DataVault requires that you re-enter your master password to protect your data. Then select Print all items from the context menu.

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