Numpy Min

That’s where numpy library comes in. Let’s see this in detail. The np.argmin function is used to get the indices of the minimum element from an array (single-dimensional array) or any row or column (multidimensional array) of any given array. The numpy argmin function takes arr, axis, and out as parameters and returns the array. Numpy.minimum(x1, x2, out)= ¶ Element-wise minimum of array elements. Compare two arrays and returns a new array containing the element-wise minima. If one of the elements being compared is a NaN, then that. Python’s numpy module provides a function to get the minimum value from a Numpy array i.e. Numpy.amin(a, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=, initial=).


Hypothesis offers a number of strategies for NumPy testing,available in the hypothesis[numpy]extra.It lives in the hypothesis.extra.numpy package.

The centerpiece is the strategy, which generates arrays withany dtype, shape, and contents you can specify or give a strategy for.To make this as useful as possible, strategies are provided to generate arrayshapes and generate all kinds of fixed-size or compound dtypes.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.from_dtype(dtype, *, alphabet=None, min_size=0, max_size=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, allow_nan=None, allow_infinity=None, exclude_min=None, exclude_max=None)[source]

Creates a strategy which can generate any value of the given dtype.

Compatible **kwargs are passed to the inferred strategy function forintegers, floats, and strings. This allows you to customise the min and maxvalues, control the length or contents of strings, or exclude non-finitenumbers. This is particularly useful when kwargs are passed through from which allow a variety of numeric dtypes, as it seamlesslyhandles the width or representable bounds for you. See issue #2552for more detail.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.arrays(dtype, shape, *, elements=None, fill=None, unique=False)[source]

Returns a strategy for generating numpy.ndarrays.

  • dtype may be any valid input to dtype(this includes dtype objects), or a strategy thatgenerates such values.

  • shape may be an integer >= 0, a tuple of such integers, or astrategy that generates such values.

  • elements is a strategy for generating values to put in the array.If it is None a suitable value will be inferred based on the dtype,which may give any legal value (including eg NaN for floats).If a mapping, it will be passed as **kwargs to from_dtype()

  • fill is a strategy that may be used to generate a single backgroundvalue for the array. If None, a suitable default will be inferredbased on the other arguments. If set to then fillingbehaviour will be disabled entirely and every element will be generatedindependently.

  • unique specifies if the elements of the array should all bedistinct from one another. Note that in this case multiple NaN valuesmay still be allowed. If fill is also set, the only valid values forit to return are NaN values (anything for which numpy.isnanreturns True. So e.g. for complex numbers (nan+1j) is also a valid fill).Note that if unique is set to True the generated values must be hashable.

Arrays of specified dtype and shape are generated for examplelike this:

  • See What you can generate and how.

Array values are generated in two parts:

  1. Some subset of the coordinates of the array are populated with a valuedrawn from the elements strategy (or its inferred form).

  2. If any coordinates were not assigned in the previous step, a singlevalue is drawn from the fill strategy and is assigned to all remainingplaces.

You can set fill to if you want todisable this behaviour and draw a value for every element.

If fill is set to None then it will attempt to infer the correct behaviourautomatically: If unique is True, no filling will occur by default.Otherwise, if it looks safe to reuse the values of elements acrossmultiple coordinates (this will be the case for any inferred strategy, andfor most of the builtins, but is not the case for mutable values orstrategies built with flatmap, map, composite, etc) then it will use theelements strategy as the fill, else it will default to having no fill.

Having a fill helps Hypothesis craft high quality examples, but itsmain importance is when the array generated is large: Hypothesis isprimarily designed around testing small examples. If you have arrays withhundreds or more elements, having a fill value is essential if you wantyour tests to run in reasonable time.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.array_shapes(*, min_dims=1, max_dims=None, min_side=1, max_side=None)[source]

Return a strategy for array shapes (tuples of int >= 1).


Return a strategy that can return any non-flexible scalar dtype.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.unsigned_integer_dtypes(*, endianness='?', sizes=(8,16,32,64))[source]

Return a strategy for unsigned integer dtypes.

endianness may be < for little-endian, > for big-endian,= for native byte order, or ? to allow either byte order.This argument only applies to dtypes of more than one byte.

sizes must be a collection of integer sizes in bits. The default(8, 16, 32, 64) covers the full range of sizes.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.integer_dtypes(*, endianness='?', sizes=(8,16,32,64))[source]

Return a strategy for signed integer dtypes.

endianness and sizes are treated as for.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.floating_dtypes(*, endianness='?', sizes=(16,32,64))[source]

Return a strategy for floating-point dtypes.

sizes is the size in bits of floating-point number. Some machines support96- or 128-bit floats, but these are not generated by default.

Larger floats (96 and 128 bit real parts) are not supported on allplatforms and therefore disabled by default. To generate these dtypes,include these values in the sizes argument.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.complex_number_dtypes(*, endianness='?', sizes=(64,128))[source]

Return a strategy for complex-number dtypes.

sizes is the total size in bits of a complex number, which consistsof two floats. Complex halves (a 16-bit real part) are not supportedby numpy and will not be generated by this strategy.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.datetime64_dtypes(*, max_period='Y', min_period='ns', endianness='?')[source]

Return a strategy for datetime64 dtypes, with various precisions fromyear to attosecond.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.timedelta64_dtypes(*, max_period='Y', min_period='ns', endianness='?')[source]

Return a strategy for timedelta64 dtypes, with various precisions fromyear to attosecond.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.byte_string_dtypes(*, endianness='?', min_len=1, max_len=16)[source]

Numpy Min

Return a strategy for generating bytestring dtypes, of various lengthsand byteorder.

While Hypothesis’ string strategies can generate empty strings, stringdtypes with length 0 indicate that size is still to be determined, sothe minimum length for string dtypes is 1.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.unicode_string_dtypes(*, endianness='?', min_len=1, max_len=16)[source]

Return a strategy for generating unicode string dtypes, of variouslengths and byteorder.

While Hypothesis’ string strategies can generate empty strings, stringdtypes with length 0 indicate that size is still to be determined, sothe minimum length for string dtypes is 1.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.array_dtypes(subtype_strategy=scalar_dtypes(), *, min_size=1, max_size=5, allow_subarrays=False)[source]

Return a strategy for generating array (compound) dtypes, with membersdrawn from the given subtype strategy.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.nested_dtypes(subtype_strategy=scalar_dtypes(), *, max_leaves=10, max_itemsize=None)[source]

Return the most-general dtype strategy.

Elements drawn from this strategy may be simple (from thesubtype_strategy), or several such values drawn from with allow_subarrays=True. Subdtypes in anarray dtype may be nested to any depth, subject to the max_leavesargument.

Numpy Min And Max

hypothesis.extra.numpy.valid_tuple_axes(ndim, *, min_size=0, max_size=None)[source]

Return a strategy for generating permissible tuple-values for theaxis argument for a numpy sequential function (e.g.numpy.sum()), given an array of the specifieddimensionality.

All tuples will have an length >= min_size and <= max_size. The defaultvalue for max_size is ndim.

Examples from this strategy shrink towards an empty tuple, which rendermost sequential functions as no-ops.

The following are some examples drawn from this strategy.

valid_tuple_axes can be joined with other strategies to generateany type of valid axis object, i.e. integers, tuples, and None:

hypothesis.extra.numpy.broadcastable_shapes(shape, *, min_dims=0, max_dims=None, min_side=1, max_side=None)[source]

Return a strategy for generating shapes that are broadcast-compatiblewith the provided shape.

Examples from this strategy shrink towards a shape with length min_dims.The size of an aligned dimension shrinks towards size 1. Thesize of an unaligned dimension shrink towards min_side.

  • shape a tuple of integers

  • min_dims The smallest length that the generated shape can possess.

  • max_dims The largest length that the generated shape can possess.The default-value for max_dims is min(32,max(len(shape),min_dims)+2).

  • min_side The smallest size that an unaligned dimension can possess.

  • max_side The largest size that an unaligned dimension can possess.The default value is 2 + ‘size-of-largest-aligned-dimension’.

The following are some examples drawn from this strategy.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.mutually_broadcastable_shapes(*, num_shapes=not_set, signature=not_set, base_shape=(), min_dims=0, max_dims=None, min_side=1, max_side=None)[source]

Return a strategy for generating a specified number of shapes, N, that aremutually-broadcastable with one another and with the provided “base-shape”.

The strategy will generate a named-tuple of:

  • input_shapes: the N generated shapes

  • result_shape: the resulting shape, produced by broadcasting theN shapes with the base-shape

Each shape produced from this strategy shrinks towards a shape with lengthmin_dims. The size of an aligned dimension shrinks towards being havinga size of 1. The size of an unaligned dimension shrink towards min_side.

  • num_shapes The number of mutually broadcast-compatible shapes to generate.

  • base-shape The shape against which all generated shapes can broadcast.The default shape is empty, which corresponds to a scalar and thus does notconstrain broadcasting at all.

  • min_dims The smallest length that any generated shape can possess.

  • max_dims The largest length that any generated shape can possess.It cannot exceed 32, which is the greatest supported dimensionality for anumpy array. The default-value for max_dims is2+max(len(shape),min_dims), capped at 32.

  • min_side The smallest size that an unaligned dimension can possess.

  • max_side The largest size that an unaligned dimension can possess.The default value is 2 + ‘size-of-largest-aligned-dimension’.

The following are some examples drawn from this strategy.

Use with Generalised Universal Function signatures

A universal function (or ufunc for short) is a functionthat operates on ndarrays in an element-by-element fashion, supporting arraybroadcasting, type casting, and several other standard features.A generalised ufunc operates onsub-arrays rather than elements, based on the “signature” of the function.Compare e.g. numpy.add (ufunc) to numpy.matmul (gufunc).

To generate shapes for a gufunc, you can pass the signature argument instead ofnum_shapes. This must be a gufunc signature string; which you can write byhand or access as e.g. np.matmul.signature on generalised ufuncs.

In this case, the side arguments are applied to the ‘core dimensions’ as well,ignoring any frozen dimensions. base_shape and the dims arguments areapplied to the ‘loop dimensions’, and if necessary, the dimensionality of eachshape is silently capped to respect the 32-dimension limit.

The generated result_shape is the real result shape of applying the gufuncto arrays of the generated input_shapes, even where this is different tobroadcasting the loop dimensions.

gufunc-compatible shapes shrink their loop dimensions as above, towards omittingoptional core dimensions, and smaller-size core dimensions.

hypothesis.extra.numpy.basic_indices(shape, *, min_dims=0, max_dims=None, allow_newaxis=False, allow_ellipsis=True)[source]

The basic_indices strategy generates basic indexesfor arrays of the specified shape, which may include dimensions of size zero.

It generates tuples containing some mix of integers, slice objects,... (Ellipsis), and numpy.newaxis; which when used to index ashape-shaped array will produce either a scalar or a shared-memory view.When a length-one tuple would be generated, this strategy may instead returnthe element which will index the first axis, e.g. 5 instead of (5,).

  • shape: the array shape that will be indexed, as a tuple of integers >= 0.This must be at least two-dimensional for a tuple to be a valid basic index;for one-dimensional arrays use instead.

  • min_dims: the minimum dimensionality of the resulting view from use ofthe generated index. When min_dims0, scalars and zero-dimensionalarrays are both allowed.

  • max_dims: the maximum dimensionality of the resulting view.If not specified, it defaults to max(len(shape),min_dims)+2.

  • allow_ellipsis: whether ...` is allowed in the index.

  • allow_newaxis: whether numpy.newaxis is allowed in the index.

Note that the length of the generated tuple may be anywhere between zeroand min_dims. It may not match the length of shape, or even thedimensionality of the array view resulting from its use!

hypothesis.extra.numpy.integer_array_indices(shape, *, result_shape=array_shapes(), dtype='int')[source]

Return a search strategy for tuples of integer-arrays that, when usedto index into an array of shape shape, given an array whose shapewas drawn from result_shape.

Examples from this strategy shrink towards the tuple of index-arrays:

  • shape a tuple of integers that indicates the shape of the array,whose indices are being generated.

  • result_shape a strategy for generating tuples of integers, whichdescribe the shape of the resulting index arrays. The default is. The shape drawn fromthis strategy determines the shape of the array that will be producedwhen the corresponding example from integer_array_indices is usedas an index.

  • dtype the integer data type of the generated index-arrays. Negativeinteger indices can be generated if a signed integer type is specified.

Recall that an array can be indexed using a tuple of integer-arrays toaccess its members in an arbitrary order, producing an array with anarbitrary shape. For example:

Note that this strategy does not accommodate all variations of so-called‘advanced indexing’, as prescribed by NumPy’s nomenclature. Combinationsof basic and advanced indexes are too complex to usefully define in astandard strategy; we leave application-specific strategies to the user.Advanced-boolean indexing can be defined as arrays(shape=...,dtype=bool),and is similarly left to the user.


Hypothesis provides strategies for several of the core pandas data types:pandas.Index, pandas.Series and pandas.DataFrame.

The general approach taken by the pandas module is that there are multiplestrategies for generating indexes, and all of the other strategies take thenumber of entries they contain from their index strategy (with sensible defaults).So e.g. a Series is specified by specifying its numpy.dtype (and/ora strategy for generating elements for it).

hypothesis.extra.pandas.indexes(*, elements=None, dtype=None, min_size=0, max_size=None, unique=True)[source]

Provides a strategy for producing a pandas.Index.


  • elements is a strategy which will be used to generate the individualvalues of the index. If None, it will be inferred from the dtype. Note:even if the elements strategy produces tuples, the generated valuewill not be a MultiIndex, but instead be a normal index whose elementsare tuples.

  • dtype is the dtype of the resulting index. If None, it will be inferredfrom the elements strategy. At least one of dtype or elements must beprovided.

  • min_size is the minimum number of elements in the index.

  • max_size is the maximum number of elements in the index. If None then itwill default to a suitable small size. If you want larger indexes youshould pass a max_size explicitly.

  • unique specifies whether all of the elements in the resulting indexshould be distinct.

hypothesis.extra.pandas.range_indexes(min_size=0, max_size=None)[source]

Provides a strategy which generates an Index whosevalues are 0, 1, …, n for some n.



  • min_size is the smallest number of elements the index can have.

  • max_size is the largest number of elements the index can have. If Noneit will default to some suitable value based on min_size.

hypothesis.extra.pandas.series(*, elements=None, dtype=None, index=None, fill=None, unique=False)[source]

Provides a strategy for producing a pandas.Series.


  • elements: a strategy that will be used to generate the individualvalues in the series. If None, we will attempt to infer a suitabledefault from the dtype.

  • dtype: the dtype of the resulting series and may be any valuethat can be passed to numpy.dtype. If None, will usepandas’s standard behaviour to infer it from the type of the elementsvalues. Note that if the type of values that comes out of yourelements strategy varies, then so will the resulting dtype of theseries.

  • index: If not None, a strategy for generating indexes for theresulting Series. This can generate either pandas.Indexobjects or any sequence of values (which will be passed to theIndex constructor).

    You will probably find it most convenient to use the or function to producevalues for this argument.


classhypothesis.extra.pandas.column(name=None, elements=None, dtype=None, fill=None, unique=False)[source]

Data object for describing a column in a DataFrame.


  • name: the column name, or None to default to the column position. Mustbe hashable, but can otherwise be any value supported as a pandas columnname.

  • elements: the strategy for generating values in this column, or Noneto infer it from the dtype.

  • dtype: the dtype of the column, or None to infer it from the elementstrategy. At least one of dtype or elements must be provided.

  • fill: A default value for elements of the column. See for a full explanation.

  • unique: If all values in this column should be distinct.

hypothesis.extra.pandas.columns(names_or_number, *, dtype=None, elements=None, fill=None, unique=False)[source]

A convenience function for producing a list of objectsof the same general shape.

The names_or_number argument is either a sequence of values, theelements of which will be used as the name for individual columnobjects, or a number, in which case that many unnamed columns willbe created. All other arguments are passed through verbatim tocreate the columns.

hypothesis.extra.pandas.data_frames(columns=None, *, rows=None, index=None)[source]

Provides a strategy for producing a pandas.DataFrame.

Numpy minimizer


  • columns: An iterable of objects describing the shapeof the generated DataFrame.

  • rows: A strategy for generating a row object. Should generateeither dicts mapping column names to values or a sequence mappingcolumn position to the value in that position (note that unlike thepandas.DataFrame constructor, single values are not allowedhere. Passing e.g. an integer is an error, even if there is only onecolumn).

    At least one of rows and columns must be provided. If both areprovided then the generated rows will be validated against thecolumns and an error will be raised if they don’t match.

    Caveats on using rows:

    • In general you should prefer using columns to rows, and only userows if the columns interface is insufficiently flexible todescribe what you need - you will get better performance andexample quality that way.

    • If you provide rows and not columns, then the shape and dtype ofthe resulting DataFrame may vary. e.g. if you have a mix of intand float in the values for one column in your row entries, thecolumn will sometimes have an integral dtype and sometimes a float.

  • index: If not None, a strategy for generating indexes for theresulting DataFrame. This can generate either pandas.Indexobjects or any sequence of values (which will be passed to theIndex constructor).

    You will probably find it most convenient to use the or function to producevalues for this argument.


The expected usage pattern is that you use and to specify a fixed shape of the DataFrame you want asfollows. For example the following gives a two column data frame:

If you want the values in different columns to interact in some way youcan use the rows argument. For example the following gives a two columnDataFrame where the value in the first column is always at most the valuein the second:

You can also combine the two:

(Note that the column dtype must still be specified and will not beinferred from the rows. This restriction may be lifted in future).

Combining rows and columns has the following behaviour:

  • The column names and dtypes will be used.

  • If the column is required to be unique, this will be enforced.

  • Any values missing from the generated rows will be provided using thecolumn’s fill.

  • Any values in the row not present in the column specification (ifdicts are passed, if there are keys with no corresponding column name,if sequences are passed if there are too many items) will result inInvalidArgument being raised.

Supported versions¶

Numpy Min Index

There is quite a lot of variation between pandas versions. We onlycommit to supporting the latest version of pandas, but older minor versions aresupported on a “best effort” basis. Hypothesis is currently tested againstand confirmed working with every Pandas minor version from 0.25 through to 1.1.

Releases that are not the latest patch release of their minor version are nottested or officially supported, but will probably also work unless you hit apandas bug.

Get the minimum value of column in python pandas : In this tutorial we will learn How to get the minimum value of all the columns in dataframe of python pandas. How to get the minimum value of a specific column or a series using min() function.

Syntax of Pandas Min() Function:

DataFrame.min(axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, numeric_only=None)
axis 0 – Rows wise operation
1- Columns wise operation
skipna Exclude NA/null values when computing the result
level If the axis is a Multi index (hierarchical), count along a particular level, collapsing into a Series
numeric_only Include only float, int, boolean columns. If None, will attempt to use everything

We will looking at an example on

  • How to get Column wise minimum value of all the column.
  • Get minimum value of a specific column by name
  • Get minimum value of series in pandas python
  • Get minimum value of a specific column by index

Create Dataframe:

So the resultant dataframe will be

Get the minimum value of all the column in python pandas:

This gives the list of all the column names and its minimum value, so the output will be

Get the minimum value of a specific column in python pandas:

Example 1:

This gives the minimum value of column Age so the output will be

Example 2:

Numpy Minimize

This gives the minimum value of column Name so the output will be

Numpy Min

Get the minimum value of a specific column in pandas by column index:

df.iloc[] gets the column index as input here column index 1 is passed which is 2nd column (“Age” column) , minimum value of the 2nd column is calculated using min() function as shown.

Get Minimum value of the series in pandas :

Lastly we would see how to calculate the minimum value of a series in pandas by using min() function . First lets create a series of alphabets as shown below

created series is

Minimum value of a series is calculated using series.min() function as shown below

so the resultant min value of the series is