
PingStatus is a super useful app that makes it easier for you to access information regarding your internet connection in real time. The app checks your connection by sending a Ping package to a specific address. By doing so, you can find out if your connection is getting lost or is losing too much data when it sends or receives information. With PingStatus you’ll always have an updated graph of information such as the state of your correction, the packages that you send and receive, the ones that have gotten lost and the delivery level of the application form and response of ICMP packages.
This app is helpful for controlling the uploading and downloading limits of your downloading manager, for example. Also, because you have control over the connection losses, you can find out whether you’re fully taking advantage of the services you’re paying the service provider for.
PingStatus definitely is a really good app that helps you find out the state of your connection at any moment. It makes your browsing experience better and helps you control all the values that could affect performance.

PingStatus options: Clicking the small gear opens the Options window for both specific connections and the app (Figure 8). To save a specific set of program settings and ping targets, check the box “Save the application settings.” Figure 8. PingStatus includes settings for both specific connections and the utility as a whole. Ping is the classic command to test the status of a ComputerName or IP address. WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) provides a class called Win32PingStatus, which we are going to put to work with PowerShell’s Get-WmiObject. Topics for PowerShell Win32PingStatus. If your using XP/2003+ (this includes Vista/2008/7), then you can use the Win32PingStatus.The machines inwhich is running the script code is the only system which needs to be XP/2003+, and it works just like using Ping.exe, only it's not using ping.exe so it should act as a loophole to your security setting which does not allow the execution of ping.exe. PingStatus comes displayed from a straightforward UI that allows you to check the start time, end time, and the duration of each cut, customize the ping intervals and adjust the upload and download limit of your download manager so you can browse or play games online with the proper ping.


Scripting with PowerShell’s – Win32_PingStatus

There are occasions when it’s useful to know whether a computer is online, or whether it’s unavailable. Ping is the classic command to test the status of a ComputerName or IP address. WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) provides a class called Win32_PingStatus, which we are going to put to work with PowerShell’s get-WmiObject.

Win32_PingStatus Topics

Real Life Tasks

The rationale behind Win32_PingStatus is that it can give you a handle on whether or not a machine is available on the network. If a particular machine is running then the rest of our PowerShell script can ‘do stuff’. That ‘stuff’ could be saving files, or opening eventlogs. By using a construction such as: if StatusCode = zero, then go ahead, else try another machine; you can avoid your script failing just because the target machine is offline.

Most real life tasks, which PowerShell solves, are multi-dimensional. In this instance we have to collect TCP/IP information such as ping status values with Win32_PingStatus, then master PowerShell constructions, such as Do…Until loop, and also remember the syntax for get-WmiObject. As usual the secret of success is to break the task in to manageable chunks. The bonus of this approach is that you can understand what is going on, and thus adjust my example scripts to suit your circumstances.

Example 1 – List the WMI Classes

The idea behind this basic script is merely to research possible WMI classes, and to gain experience with the vital command: get-WmiObject. My hidden agenda is to explain how I knew there was a class called Win32_PingStatus.

# PowerShell script to list the Win32 classes
get-WmiObject -List | where {$ -match 'Ping'}

Note 1: The benefit of using -match rather than -like or -eq is that we only need a partial match. It is also easy to modify the code to search for other Win32 classes. For example amend to: get-WmiObject -List | where {$ -match 'Network'}

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Example 2 – Win32_PingStatus

Compared with other Win32 classes, Win32_PingStatus is unresponsive to help and to get-member. My breakthrough came when I discovered the -f, or -filter parameter; for example -filter 'Address=’IP’ ' or even -filter 'Address=’IP’ '.

Ping Status Check

Fairy tail dragon cry dub free. # PowerShell script to test the status of an IP address
get-WmiObject Win32_PingStatus -filter 'Address=’′ '

Note 1: The key construction is the 'Address='. Pay close attention to the speech marks. Double speech marks around the 'whole address', single speech marks around the ‘IP’ portion. Remember to introduce 'Address' with -f or the full word, -filter.

Note 2: Many people prefer the alias gwmi instead of get-WmiObject.


Note 3: In the resulting output concentrates on StatusCode. For once, zero is good news, it means that Ping has been successful and found the IP address. On the other hand, a binary value of 11010 means that ping failed.

Challenge: Substitute a hostname for the IP address.

Guy Recommends: WMI Monitor and It’s Free!

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is one of the hidden treasures of Microsoft’s operating systems. Fortunately, SolarWinds have created a Free WMI Monitor so that you can discover these gems of performance information, and thus improve your scripts.

Take the guess work out of which WMI counters to use when scripting the operating system, Active Directory or Exchange Server. Give this WMI monitor a try – it’s free.

Example 3 – What to do with StatusCode

In example 3 we get down to business, and test a whole range of IP addresses. For this we need a PowerShell loop. There are dozens of ways of achieving this, I happen to have chosen Do…Until. I would like to emphasise that my goal was to test the following range of IP addresses to If you don’t use this IP range then please amend my line: $IpAdr = '192.168.1.' to the network address of your local subnet. The safest, but most tedious way of checking all the IP address is to increase $i -eq 20 to $i -eq 254.

$i =1
$IpAdr = '192.168.1.'
Do { $Ip4th = $IpAdr + $i
$Pingy = get-WmiObject Win32_PingStatus -f 'Address=’$Ip4th’'
$Pingy | Format-Table Address, StatusCode -hideTableHeaders -auto; $i++
until ($i -eq 20)

Results: A StatusCode of 0 means the machine responded to ping. Other values such as 1101 means that ping could not find that particular IP address.

Example 4 – PowerShell script to test which IP addresses are online

The most important feature of example 4 is to recognise where the script could deliver a payload, or ‘do stuff’. If you want a subroutine which wrote to a share on the machine, or extracted it’s eventlogs then replace the contents of the {brackets} after the ‘if’ and ‘else’ commands with your ‘stuff’.

$i =1
$Ip = '192.168.1.'
Write-Host 'IP Address'
Write-Host '—————————————-'
Do { $Ip4th = $Ip + $i
$Pingy = get-WmiObject Win32_PingStatus -f 'Address=’$Ip4th’'
if($Pingy.StatusCode -eq 0) {
'{0,0} {1,5} {2,5}' -f
$Pingy.Address, $Pingy.StatusCode,' ON NETWORK'}
{'{0,0} {1,5} {2,5}' -f $Pingy.Address, $Pingy.StatusCode, ' xxxxxxxxx'
until ($i -eq 20)


Note 1: Much of this script is cosmetic, and represents my thought processes in creating a script which detects which IP addresses are ‘ON NETWORK’. Amd radeon auto detect tool. You could write much tighter code.

Ping Statistics 50% Loss

Note 2: '{0,0} {1,5} {2,5}' -f is to format, or to space the output. The first number is the item of each pair (0,1,2), the second is the tabbing or padding (0,5,5). Jannat sajai maine tere liye mp3. Feel free to adjust the second number in each pair.

Note 3: One of the most important parts of the script is the ‘if’ statement:
if($Pingy.StatusCode -eq 0). What this does is to test if we have any StatusCode responses of zero, if so we assume that that IP Address in online.

Summary of Win32_PingStatus

Before your script delivers a payload at a remote machine on the network, it’s useful to check that the status of the machine is available. The feature of these examples is Win32_PingStatus, and the way it checks the StatusCode value. From a pure PowerShell point of view this script also demonstrates the Do…Until loop and the -f formatting technique. My advice is to use this script as a template, to which you add a payload that ‘does stuff’ at the remote machine.

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